Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Myrtle Beach: Drown the Devil

For as long as I can remember the Roenicks have had a tradition unlike any I've ever seen at the beach and it is fantastic. Drown the devel takes place at a time when the tide is coming in and you line up in your chair of choice evenly. The onlookers from the beach asking questions are hilarious and enjoy watching until the end as much as I do. Idid not participate this year as I wanted to take a lot of pictures! As the tide comes in people are knocked out of their chairs and the last man standing wins. This year a toilet seat decorated with drown the devil champ was given and will be passed on in the future. Congrats to Andy the big winner!
There are more people to my right but I couldn't get a good shot b/c the waves were knocking me over. couldn't go much deeper!
early on and you can see not much water even up to the waist yet
30 minutes or so in they are starting to get pelted
and soon after that the drowing begins
some learned to dive down and let the waves go over them-pretty smart
our own crowd of game losers cheering the others on-now chest deep in water

after about 45 minutes they are neck deep
2 left
and the winner is crowned

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